Saturday 20 October 2018

Non-verbal day, Nov 2nd 2018

Hey guys. Just out of curiosity (and maybe more)
How many of you would be willing to actively take part in a non-verbal day?
I did one the other year, to try and better understand my son, and to see if I could feel the struggles he goes through daily..... Boy I did.
I gave myself all the aides that he has to his self. Pecs, talking tablet etc.... As well as body language and hand holding. 
I made sure I did it on a day that I was working and out in general public. I made sure I had to go as far out of my comfort zone as to best benefit from it (staying in the house and texting my wife for a cup of tea would've been a bit useless..... but not an idea I'm willing to count out in the future for my own benefit ðŸ˜‰)
I documented my day.
I documented everything I have never noticed before. And how not being able to talk makes you act differently. And how incredibly hard it is.
It opened my eyes. And I saw how my son does things and why. And I understood a little bit more.
So........ Who's in?
I'm thinking November time.

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