Throughout the life of a parent raising an autistic child, The support network around them can be the most helpful and inspirational people in the world. Be they family, friends or professional, And they sometimes don't even know how important they have been, so now is the time that I give those people their own recognition for the support and help they have given me and my family.
1 - Grandma x for being the only person who can take ALL 3 children away from us for overnight sleepovers, and her unconditional, never judgmental grandma love for her grandchildren.
1 - Nanny and Grandad x For taking the children on days out and making their time fun. and for the efforts in trying to understand a new way of looking at life with autism.
1 - Joel x For taking my boys way of life and turning into an excuse to spin them up in the air and play the fool every time he visits.
1 - Katie and Anthony x For being the Auntie and Uncle that never treat my children in any other way than loved, and never judging the differences.
1 - Thomas and Fiona and girls x For welcoming and accepting and getting on the trampoline to act the fools like nobody cares.
1 - Tina and Michael and Jamie x For listening to me and then acting upon my words to do what they can to help and support. for coming up with ideas to help my boys.
1 - West Heath Nursery and ALL the staff x for being the unrelenting machine of power, who helped us put through Aidens diagnosis when the doctors showed no interest in our opinion, and for going out of there way every day in their attempts to teach themselves about autism and how they worked with the other children and families. And how they put themselves out to help out Aden when he didn't have a school to move to, when they opened their doors for him to stay on longer than they had to, And for the love and care they showed me and my wife constantly. And for meeting with Sue the head mistress dressed as a giant cat (it was for themed day, and made a few giggles) And........ you name it, they did it Awesome praise for this nursery.
1 - Tesco cashier ladies x who never once questioned when we said "and this mostly eaten pink frosted doughnut" at the checkout.
1 - Parents at the school x for those who ask questions, and those who have helped out on school outings.
1 - Charley x a boy in my daughters class who helped the other children just accept the differences as if its nothing.
1 - Keira x my daughter, for being the best big sister any parent could hope for, her love and understanding of her brothers makes me so proud I cry.
1 - Miss Foster x For taking the time to understand and be pro active when it comes to helping Connor through his emotional struggles at school.
1 - Miss Yeoman, Coach Richard x for being the extra support Connor has needed and the individual approach they have took to work with him on a personal level.
1 - Miss Callow x for Being Connors favorite teacher and pushing him into the academic side of schooling.
1 - Friends - Emma, Rhiannon, Mark, Nick, Sam, Dib, Ian, Alan, Jo, Shane, Bex, For helping us find the humor when we tell of how disastrous our days have been.
1 - Hayley x for being a co' autism mother and sharing stories of joy and woe, and letting us know that whenever we need to vent, she is more than ready to listen and share.
1 - School bus ladies x for being there every morning to welcome Aiden on, and for every afternoon when they see him off safely.
1 - Facebook friends x for enjoying my stories and contributing there own tales of life with autism.
Thank you all x
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